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Historic Sites Inventory


Cornerstone Inn
Geneva House
Notch Cemetery
Union Hall (Danforth Town Hall)

Cornerstone Inn

Description: Originally the Foss House and an early inn and tavern (early 1800s). It has been refurbished and is now a restaurant. Much of the early wood work remains. Old enough to be on the National register of Historic Sites.
Location: Corner of Rt#1 and Depot Street, Danforth 04424
Open to the Public?: Yes
Quantity Site can Accommodate: 50
Bus Tours Welcome?: Yes
Dates Open: Everyday
Hours Open: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Items for Sale: This is a working Restaurant.
Is there a Host(ess) Available?: Yes
Responsible Organization: Roxanne Fish and Ardis Fish, Cornerstone Inn, Danforth, ME 04424


Geneva House

Description: Queen Anne Style house built in 1892. Now a private home. One of the most elegant houses in Danforth. Built by one of the original lumber barons.
Location: Route 169 across the bridge from Danforth. Big Yellow House/Green Trim on right side of road. Springfield Rd., Danforth 04424
Open to the Public?: No
Quantity Site can Accommodate: 10
Is there a Host(ess) Available?: No
Advance Notice Required: A week's notice
Responsible Organization: Owner, Springfield Rd, Danforth, ME 04424; Phone: 448-7211; Fax: 448-7211


Notch Cemetery
Keywords: Cemetery

Description: Oldest Cemetery in Danforth. The founder of Weston is buried here (William Butterfield).
Location: 1/4 of a mile South on Rt.169 past the bridge on your left next to the Post Office. Danforth 04424
Open to the Public?: Yes
Bus Tours Welcome?: Yes
Dates Open: Any day during daylight hours.
Hours Open: Daytime Hours
Items for Sale: None

Responsible Organization: Town of Danforth


Union Hall (Danforth Town Hall)
Keywords: Architecture

Description: This building represents the grand scale that this former Lumbering Empire embodied. It is a sentinel, peeling forth the time of day over the countryside from its famous Seth Thomas Clock. The interior is much the same as when it was built in 1888. It is in the process of renovation. On National Register of Historic Sites.
Location: Corner of Depot and Weatherbee Street, Downtown. Danforth 04424
Open to the Public?: Yes
Bus Tours Welcome?: Yes
Dates Open: By appointment only, check with Danforth Town Office.
Items for Sale: None
Is there a Host(ess) Available?: No
Responsible Organization: Town of Danforth (Historical Society is being initiated.), Danforth, ME 04424; Phone: 448-2321


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