The Quoddy Loop Tourism website does not share specific information about users with anyone, with the exception of users who complete the Quoddy Loop Community Literature Request form. Information supplied by the user on that form is forwarded to several participation area tourism organizations for the purpose of providing literature and/or information to the user. The forwarded request contains the following statements:
FUTURE_EVENTS_PERMISSION= If respondent has indicated SEND_FUTURE_INFO?= YES, then it is okay to send EVENTS INFORMATION ONLY after the indicated arrival date. If respondent indicated SEND_FUTURE_INFO?= NO, or if the response for that question is blank, then you must not send information in the future.
CONDITIONS OF USE= By receipt of this message, recipient agrees to use the information contained in this message only for the purpose of supplying the requested literature/information, and may not use the message information for any other purpose.
Additionally, unless the user indicates on the Quoddy Loop Community Literature Request form that it is okay for the participating tourism organizations to email information to them, the user's email address is deleted prior to forwarding to those tourism organizations.
The Quoddy Loop Tourism website does have access to visitors' DNS IP numbers, as a result of server log information; however, that information is used only to analyze visitor demographics. Such specific visitor information is not shared with others or used to email visitors.
Email sent to any staff member is kept indefinitely on file, and the email content is not shared with anyone outside of the organization without the consent of the sender.
Quoddy Loop Tourism advertisers provide their contact information on the web site for purposes of selling a product or service. The Quoddy Loop Tourism site and Old Sow Publishing do not sell this information to others. Advertisers' information is provided to others, though, through the web site and/or email, when legitimate inquiries are made from consumers regarding products or services being offered by those advertisers.
Old Sow Publishing and the Quoddy Loop Tourism website actively discourage unsolicited commercial emailing ("spamming," which increases all non-spammer users' costs, due to a greater Internet infrastructure and staffing burden, and which is illegal or regulated in many jurisdictions), and regularly report spammers to authorities, spammers' ISPs, and to web sites which take measures to reduce spamming. Advertisers on Quoddy Loop Tourism are prohibited from spamming activity, and such activity will result in their advertising being removed from the site. Additionally, a filter is in place to weed out all spam messages which are directed through the domain.
Any comments or questions regarding the site Privacy Policy should be directed to the .
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